Metaldet Oy has published IoT connectivity for all metal detectors. With this IoT upgrade, detectors can integrate seamlessly with other modern digital systems. IoT connectivity allows for real-time monitoring and control, resulting in better maintenance, increased customer efficiency, and enhanced productivity. Customers can access important real-time data via a browser or modern mobile devices, helping them to define strategic actions. This real-time data is crucial for improving products and services, and all features are available on modern browsers or mobile devices. IoT platform, developed and implemented in collaboration with Lojotech Oy, offers these advanced capabilities. For a free demo account or more details, please contact us at +358407593448 or email

Use Cases

  1. Quality Control:

    • Metal Detection per Load: A manufacturing customer can monitor the number of metal particles detected in each load of materials. This data helps in maintaining high quality standards by ensuring that the materials used are free from contaminants, thereby reducing product defects and recalls.
  2. Operational Efficiency:

    • Line Stoppage Reporting: One customer uses the IoT system to get detailed reports on production line stoppages. For instance, if a metal is detected, the system logs how long the line was stopped and the reasons for the stoppage. This helps the customer analyze downtime causes and implement measures to minimize production interruptions.
  3. Predictive Maintenance:

    • Preventive Maintenance Insights: Maintenance teams using the IoT platform can receive alerts about potential issues with metal detectors before they cause significant damage to machinery, such as saws. For example, if a metal detector shows signs of malfunction, maintenance can be scheduled proactively, preventing costly breakdowns and ensuring smooth operation.

By leveraging these IoT capabilities, customers can achieve higher quality control, better operational efficiency, and reduced maintenance costs.